015 | Does your Sales Process map your Customer's Journey?

Mike shares his thoughts about how your sales process should consider and map the customer's journey.
In this episode, Mike Foster, The Entrepreneurs Mentor, shares his thoughts about how your sales process should consider and map the customer's journey.

00:00 - Introduction
01:10 - Key steps of the customer journey
02:00 - The extended customer journey
02:31 - Finding failures in your sales process
03:30 - Identifying touchpoints
05:30 - Customer's emotions
06:50 - Communication between marketing and sales
07:36 - Finding the best solution

Connect with Mike Foster, The Entrepreneurs Mentors
Website: entrepreneursmentor.co.uk
YouTube: youtube.com/c/MikeFosterOxford
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/mikefosteroxford
Twitter: twitter.com/mikefozoxford
Instagram: instagram.com/mikefozoxford
Facebook: facebook.com/TheEntrepreneursMentor
015 | Does your Sales Process map your Customer's Journey?
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